Cement-lime plaster for walls is a traditional finishing mixture, which is intended for leveling surfaces in order to eliminate their defects: curvature, the presence of certain types of damage. This material can also be used to customize the geometry of surfaces (ceilings, walls) for design purposes.
Plaster is an inexpensive and most common method of covering surfaces. Plaster is perfect for leveling uneven brickwork, waterproofing walls, increasing heat and sound insulation properties, and fire protection. OJSC "Management Company of the Zabudova Holding" produces a wide range of building mixtures that are perfect for a wide range of construction work: cladding internal and external walls, removing slopes, leveling uneven surfaces, etc. Production facilities based on modern equipment allow us to produce 24 000 tons of dry construction mixtures per year, both plaster and screed.
Plaster can be used on surfaces made of almost any type of building material: brick, concrete blocks, gas silicate blocks, etc.
Polymineral plaster, which is characterized by strong adhesion to the base and good ductility. Environmentally friendly, can allow water vapor to pass through. Suitable for internal and external walls made of aerated concrete, concrete and brick. It is strongly recommended to comply with the rules and regulations of the construction industry, since otherwise the manufacturer is not responsible for improper storage and use of the material. Plaster, external or internal, should be used only in accordance with the instructions and working documentation. The products comply with STB1307-2012. The guaranteed shelf life in a dry place and in sealed packaging is 12 months.
Environmentally friendly, mineral plaster, permeable to water vapor. Used for interior wall decoration. Working surface – brickwork, aerated concrete, concrete. Dry mortar mixture RSS, plaster (less than 5 mm), cement-lime, M50, A0.6, Pk3 St-2 No. 402 STB 1307-2012 (for interior work) is also used for finishing slopes and protrusions. The products comply with STB 1307-2012. The guaranteed shelf life in a dry place and sealed packaging is 9 months.
Dry mixture No. 117.1 demonstrates high adhesion to base surfaces and is perfectly distributed over them, forming a durable coating. The recommended consumption is 2000 kilograms of dry composition per 1 cubic meter of treated area. The composition of the product includes mineral binders and fractionated quartz sand.
Plasters vary in a large number of characteristics and can be intended for both external (facade) and internal work. This material is also classified according to its purpose:
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